Starting to think about or plan your family vacation this summer? Or perhaps you are just taking some time to travel with friends or planning a relaxing get away? Either way, if you are hiking, camping or backpacking at all, a pair of NEOS Overshoes are a must have to add to your packing list.
NEOS Overshoes can easily roll and pack up tightly. They are also way more lightweight than any kind of boot so they are not an inconvenience to pack for traveling. Not only will a pair of NEOS save you space and weight while packing, they are also way more comfortable to wear in the summer. Rubber boots will make your feet hot and sweaty in warm weather and do not have a safe tread for walking in potentially slippery conditions. Another great thing is that you can take a couple pair of your favourite shoes on your vacation and then just use your NEOS Overshoes to provide protection against the crazy weather that sometimes comes out of the blue in our Canadian summers. You can simply put your NEOS galoshes on overtop of your hiking shoes or sandals in the unfortunate event that you encounter bad weather. This way, if you run into some rain in your travels, you and your favourite footwear are sure to be protected.
If you are camping, your whole campsite might get wet, but you can rest assure that your feet and your favourite moccasins, sandals or runners will stay dry. There's no need to ruin your vacation with a slip or fall while stepping on that mossy rock, or risk of getting hurt while taking down your tent in the rain. Perhaps you know that you'll be getting wet on your trip. If you'll be hiking through rivers or plan on stomping in the puddles with your kids, then packing some convenient overshoes is definitely a necessity. Either way you can hike or camp in your favourite footwear and then just throw on your overshoes when you encounter conditions that might ruin your comfortable footwear. It's a win-win. It's so much more convenient to just rely on a pair of NEOS to help you out in different weather conditions or depending on what terrain you plan to encounter.
We recommend the best NEOS for camping or hiking would be the NEOS Villager, NEOS Voyageur or NEOS Adventurer styles. The Villager is the most lightweight and compacts the smallest so we would recommend looking at those pair first. If you need further information on the difference between these 3 styles of NEOS, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have been a distributor of NEOS Overshoes for many years so we consider ourselves experts and finding you exactly what you need for your usage. Find the right pair of NEOS by browsing our website, today, and you'll be sure to take them on all your future summer vacations not to mention the many other uses you'll find for them in your daily life.